Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Riddler (The Batman) Review

The first episode the epic super-villain of Batman, Riddler, that appears in, is Riddled, where we can see him in a more of a Gothic style. He has set up bombs all over parts of Gotham and the only way for them to not explode is for detective Yin to solve his riddles and puzzles(we will upload his puzzles some other day). After Yin finds a puzzle that doesn't have answer, Batman figures out that the weakness of Edward Nigma, AKA Riddler, is to solve riddles, which, always gonna bring Batman to the right place and answer. He is caught by the police and he tries to tell everyone that Yin works with the Batman, even no one believes him, oh well. This episodes doesn't hold action until the brake into Riddler's lair, but since he cannot fight, he has his men, I like the episode a lot, get your DVD to watch it now! It's on the second season, second episode...

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